Hello theater friends, since it’s already October and university begins, in my last blog post I will briefly reflect on my past couple of months as an editorial assistant at Neues Wiener Theater. My name is Rali – I love writing, I am an exchange student at the University of Vienna and I am still…
Interview // Iris Nussbaum // 4. September 2018 //FRÜHLINGSERWACHEN FRÜHLINGSERWACHEN took place in Dschungel Wien Theaterhaus in June. Iris Nussbau who played one of the main characters Wendla shares with Neue Wiener her own insight into the play, the issues that it handles and tells us more about her experience with the theater scene. Neues Wiener Theater…
Schauspielhaus /// 26. Juni 2018 /// HAUSBRUCH. EIN FRAGMENT /// Ivna Žic und Natascha Gangl Take a deep breath upon entering the stage – or room – of HAUSBRUCH: the play might draw you into its own world of possible scenarios of robberies and invasions where even the air might be a piece of someone else‘s…
SUPERAMAS // 15 Juni 2018 // CHEKHOV FAST & FURIOUS An empty seat next to me last night at FAST & FURIOUS made me think: If Chekhov’s character Uncle Vanya sat there and watched FAST & FURIOUS as part of the audience, would he have stayed until the end of the play? It seemed that…
MUSA MUSEUM /// 30. Mai 2018 /// Eva Kadlec /// Big Mood I experienced BIG MOOD in colours, in textures, in gestures, in materials that seemed equally alien and familiar to me like a piece of foam replacing canvas on the wall. This experience led me as far as to believe that I have caught a…
Wiener Festwochen /// 30. Mai 2018 /// STADIUM So, would you throw an egg at an actor during theater play just as you would do during a football game? As absurd as it may sound, that is the question that kept us busy long after the documentary play STADIUM was over and it’s precisely what…
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